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Art. 5

Candidates for a seat in the Academy are chosen by the Academy on the basis of their eminent original scientific studies and their acknowledged moral personality, without any form of ethnic or religious discrimination, and are appointed for life by sovereign act of the Holy Father. In addition, ex officio, the Director of the Vatican Observatory; the Director of the Astrophysical Laboratory of the Vatican Observatory; the Prefect of the Vatican Library; and the Prefect of the Secret Archives of the Vatican, are appointed Academicians pro tempore. The Academicians ‘pro tempore’ enjoy the same rights and perform the same functions as the Pontifical Academicians. As an exception, and in a purely honorary capacity, persons who deserve the special gratitude of the Academy, by honouring it and helping it and its scientific undertakings, after being proposed by the Council of the Academy, can be appointed by the Holy Father Honorary Pontifical Academicians.

Art. 6

The full complement of the Academy consists of seventy life members, chosen in such a way that as far as possible all the principal branches of the sciences and all the great geographical regions are represented.1

1 On 8 January 1986 John Paul II increased the number of Academicians for life to eight