Deceased Academicians

János Szentágothai


János Szentágothai

Date of birth 31 October 1912

Place Budapest, Hungary (Europe)

Nomination 12 May 1981

Field Anatomy, Neuroanatomy

Title Professor of Anatomy, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

Place and date of death Budapest, Hungary † 08 September 1994

  • Biography

Summary of scientific research
Early studies using experimentally induced secondary degeneration in the vegetative nervous system (1935-38), first successful method for the identificaiton of neuronal connections in the Central Nervous System by experimental secondary degeneration of synapses (1937-41).
Anatomical evidence of the monosynaptic nature of the "stretch-reflex" (1948); functional anatomy of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (1943-52); functional anatomy and synaptology of the spinal pathways and reflex systems (1951-67). Investigations into the functional antomy of "hypothalamic control of the anterior pituitary" (around 1962). Cerebellar studies resulting in the "Eccles-Ito-Szentágothai model" of cerebellar cortex function (1967). Studies of complex glomerular synaptic systems (1962-72).
Cerebral cortex studies starting with 1962: relatively early neuron circuit models from 1967-69 were continuously updated by emergent new information on various neuron types, and by application of new techniques for tracing of local and distant neuronal connections (1969-). Introduction and elaboration of the concept of the "modular architectonics" principle of neural centers; particularly in the cerebral cortex (1975-) and its application for neural centers in general (1980-).
Elaboration of new and more dynamic concepts for the modular architectonics principle on the basis of cross correlated physiological, anatomical and biochemical identification of individual neurons and their synapses.