Part I: Constitution and Aim
Art. 1 | The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, founded by Pius XI of hallowed memory, is placed under the exalted and direct protection of the reigning Supreme Pontiff.
Art. 2 | The aim of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences is to promote the progress of the mathematical, physical and natural sciences and the study of epistemological problems related thereto.
Art. 3 | For the attainment of its ends the Academy:
a. holds plenary sessions of the Academicians;
b. organizes meetings to promote the progress of sciences and the solution of important scientific-technical problems, which are fundamental for the development of mankind;
c. promotes scientific investigations and researches which can contribute, in the appropriate quarters, to the exploration of moral, social and spiritual problems;
d. arranges conferences and celebrations;
e. takes care of the publication of the Proceedings of its own meetings, of the results of the scientific researches and studies of the Academicians and of other scientists.
Art. 4 | With the object of promoting scientific research the Academy every two years awards the Pius XI Medal to a young scientist of international reputation.
Part II: The Academicians
Art. 5 | Candidates for a seat in the Academy are chosen by the Academy on the basis of their eminent original scientific studies and of their acknowledged moral personality, without any ethnical or religious discrimination, and are appointed for life by sovereign act of the Holy Father.
In addition, by reason of their office, the Director of the Vatican Observatory; the Director of the Astrophysical Laboratory of the Vatican Observatory; the Prefect of the Vatican Library; the Prefect of the Secret Archives of the Vatican, are appointed «Academicians pro tempore». The Academicians « pro tempore » enjoy the same rights and perform the same functions as the Pontifical Academicians.
By way of exception, and in a purely honorary capacity, on proposal by the Council of the Academy, persons who have deserved particularly well of the Academy, by honouring it and assisting it and its scientific undertakings, may be nominated by the Holy Father «Honorary Pontifical Academicians».
Art. 6 | The full complement of the Academy consists of 70 life members, chosen in such a way that as far as possible all the principal branches of science and all the major geographical regions are represented.1
Part III: Government of the Academy
Art. 7 | The Academy is governed by a President, appointed from among the Academicians, Motu Proprio, by the Supreme Pontiff, on whom he directly depends. The President remains in office for four years and may be reappointed by the Supreme Pontiff. The President guides and directs all the activity of the Academy and represents it before the Holy See and before every other Authority or Institution.
Art. 8 | The President is assisted by the Council of the Academy constituted as follows:
a. the outgoing President for the period of four years;
b. the former President named by the Holy Father President Emeritus for life;
c. five Councillors nominated by the Holy Father, on the proposal of the President, for the period of four years, with the possibility of reappointment.2
Art. 9 | The President is assisted directly by the Director of the Chancellery, who is appointed by the Holy Father for a period of four years and may be reappointed.3
Part IV: Financial Resources
Art. 10 | The financing of the Academy is assured by the Administration of the Patrimony the Apostolic See.
Art. 11 | The Academy can also dispose of eventual gifts, legacies and income derived from its activity.
Art. 12 | The President with his Council considers the expenditure necessary for the life of the Academy and approves the estimates and balance sheet.
PART V: General Regulations
Art. 13 | The present Statutes, promulgated by their publication in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, replace the former Statutes published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis of the years 1936, p. 427 ff. Every modification of the present Statutes is reserved to the Supreme Pontiff, who is the sole authority competent to dissolve the Academy.
Art. 14 | The present Statutes are supplemented by the Bylaws drawn up and approved by the President with his Council.
Haec Statuta Paulus VI Summus Pontifex in Audientia infrascripto concessa die I, mensis Aprilis, anno MCMLXXVI, approbavit et publici iuris fieri iussit.
IOANNES CARD. VILLOT, Secretarius Status
Ex «Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 31 Maii 1976».
1 On 8 January 1986 John Paul II increased the number of Academy life members to 80.
2 On 20 November 1995 John Paul II increased the number of members of Council to 7.
3 On 30 January 1995 the Director of the Chancellery was appointed by Holy Father, Academician «Perdurante Munere» and Chancellor «Perdurante Munere».