Editorial Guidelines

For your convenience, these are the main guidelines for the presentation of scientific papers to be published by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.


Main rules


  • Text length as stipulated for the respective event.
  • Font Please use the same typeface (Arial or Helvetica) throughout. Use "symbol" font for Greek letters.
  • File format Microsoft Word (.DOCX or .DOC) with PDF for reference.

Manuscript composition


  • Title
  • Author (or Authors) and Affiliation
  • Abstract (only if requested by the publisher or editor) of approximately 200 words.
  • Main text can be divided into subsections with first-level headings indicated as 1. and second-level headings indicated as 1.1. 
  • Aknowledgments must be placed at the end, before the Bibliography or References.
  • Do not use hyperlinks
  • Footnotes must be automatically generated by Microsoft Word.
  • Reference style of choice (APA, MLA, etc).
  • Figures (illustrations, charts, photographs, tables, etc.) contained in the text must be sent as separate files in one of the following formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF, resolution 300 dpi, or in vector format (AI, SVG, EPS). Figures must be indicated in the paper in parentheses (e.g. Fig. 1). Captions must begin with "Figure 1. ....". Charts and tables are best published in vertical orientation.  

Disclaimer: All images must be model and property released for publication and should follow copyright rules. 

Papers are proofread internally and lightly edited for typos before publication.

Please send finalized papers to pas@pas.va