Deceased Academicians
Emil Abderhalden
Date of birth 09 March 1877
Place Oberuzwil, Switzerland (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Physiology
Place and date of death Zurich, Switzerland † 05 August 1950
Anatole Abragam
Date of birth 15 December 1914
Place Grīva (Daugavpils), Latvia (Europe)
Nomination 12 May 1981 (Resigned)
Field Physics, Nuclear Magnetism
Place and date of death Paris, France † 08 June 2011
Anselmo M. Albareda
Date of birth 16 February 1892
Place Barcelona, Spain (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Academician 'Perdurante Munere' 28 Oct. 1936 - 19 Mar. 1962; Honorary Academician 5 Oct. 1962)
Place and date of death Barcelona, Spain † 20 July 1966
José Maria Albareda Herrera
Date of birth 15 April 1902
Place Caspe, Zaragoza, Spain (Europe)
Nomination 29 May 1948
Place and date of death Madrid, Spain † 27 March 1966
Ugo Amaldi
Date of birth 18 April 1875
Place Verona, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Mathematics
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 11 November 1957
Christian B. Anfinsen
Date of birth 26 March 1916
Place Monessen, PA, (America)
Nomination 12 May 1981
Field Biochemistry
Place and date of death Randallstown, MD, USA † 14 May 1995
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
Date of birth 06 September 1892
Place Bradford, (Europe)
Nomination 29 May 1948
Field Physics, Radiophysics
Place and date of death Edinburgh, Scotland † 21 April 1965
Giuseppe Armellini
Date of birth 24 October 1887
Place Rome, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Astronomy
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 16 July 1958
Charles Eugène Barrois
Date of birth 21 April 1851
Place Lille, France (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Place and date of death Sainte-Genevieve-en-Caux, France † 08 November 1939
John David Barrow
Date of birth 29 November 1952
Place London, United Kingdom (Europe)
Nomination 18 December 2019
Field Mathematical Sciences
Place and date of death Cambridge, UK † 26 September 2020
Gary Stanley Becker
Date of birth 02 December 1930
Place Pottsville, PA, (America)
Nomination 03 March 1997
Field Economics
Place and date of death Chicago, IL, USA † 03 May 2014
Daniel Adzei Bekoe
Date of birth 07 December 1928
Place Accra, Ghana (Africa)
Nomination 26 September 1983
Field Chemistry/X-ray Crystallography
Place and date of death Accra, Ghana † 05 September 2020
Sune K. Bergström
Date of birth 10 January 1916
Place Stockholm, (Europe)
Nomination 14 December 1985
Field Human Biology and Medical Sciences
Place and date of death Stockholm, Sweden † 15 August 2004
Enrico Berti
Date of birth 03 November 1935
Place Valeggio sul Mincio, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 September 2001
Field Philosophy
Place and date of death Padua, Italy † 05 January 2022
Charles Herbert Best
Date of birth 27 February 1899
Place West Pembroke, ME, United States of America (America)
Nomination 05 April 1955
Field Physiology, Biochemistry
Place and date of death Toronto, Canada † 31 March 1978
Emilio Bianchi
Date of birth 26 September 1875
Place Maderno sul Garda, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Astronomy
Place and date of death Merate, Italy † 11 September 1941
George David Birkhoff
Date of birth 21 March 1884
Place Overisel, MI, United States of America (America)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Mathematics
Place and date of death Cambridge, MA, USA † 12 November 1944
Gaetano Bisleti
Date of birth 21 March 1856
Place Veroli, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Grottaferrata, Italy † 30 August 1937
Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes
Date of birth 14 March 1862
Place Christiania, Norway (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Physics, Meteorology
Place and date of death Oslo, Norway † 07 April 1951
André Blanc-Lapierre
Date of birth 07 July 1915
Place Lavaur, France (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Physics
Günter Blobel
Date of birth 21 May 1936
Place Waltersdorf/Silesia (Germany, now Poland), Poland (Europe)
Nomination 28 September 2001
Field Cell Biology
Place and date of death New York City, NY, USA † 18 February 2018
Aage Niels Bohr
Date of birth 19 June 1922
Place Copenhagen, (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Physics
Place and date of death Copenhagen, Denmark † 09 September 2009
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Date of birth 07 October 1885
Place Copenhagen, (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1939
Field Physics
Place and date of death Copenhagen, Sweden † 18 November 1962
Marcello Boldrini
Date of birth 09 February 1890
Place Matelica, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Statistics
Place and date of death Milan, Italy † 05 March 1969
Giovanni Battista Bonino
Date of birth 03 May 1899
Place Genoa, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 23 May 1942
Field Physical Chemistry
Place and date of death Genoa, Italy † 11 December 1985
Karol Borsuk
Date of birth 08 May 1905
Place Warsaw, Andorra (Europe)
Nomination 14 January 1982
Field Mathematics
Place and date of death Warsaw, Poland † 14 January 1982
Filippo Bottazzi
Date of birth 23 December 1867
Place Diso, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Physiology
Place and date of death Diso, Italy † 19 September 1941
Leonard E. Boyle, OP
Date of birth 13 November 1923
Place Donegal, Ireland (Europe)
Nomination 24 May 1984 (Academician 'Perdurante Munere')
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 25 October 1999
Edouard Branly
Date of birth 23 October 1844
Place Amiens, France (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Place and date of death Paris, France † 24 March 1940
Hermann A. Brück
Date of birth 15 August 1905
Place Berlin, Germany (Europe)
Nomination 05 April 1955
Field Astronomy
Place and date of death Edinburgh, Scotland, UK † 04 March 2000
Keith Edward Bullen
Date of birth 29 June 1906
Place Auckland, New Zealand (Oceania)
Nomination 22 April 1968
Field Mathematics
Place and date of death Auckland, New Zealand † 23 September 1976
Frederik J.J. Buytendijk
Date of birth 29 April 1887
Place Breda, Netherlands (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Physiology
Place and date of death Nijmegen, Netherlands † 21 October 1974
Nicola Cabibbo
Date of birth 10 April 1935
Place Rome, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 09 June 1986 (President of the PAS from 1993 to 2010)
Field Physics
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 16 August 2010
Constantin Caratheodory
Date of birth 13 September 1873
Place Berlin, Germany (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Mathematics
Place and date of death Munich, Germany † 02 February 1950
Antonio Cardoso Fontes
Date of birth 06 October 1879
Place Petrópolis, Brazil (America)
Nomination 01 September 1941
Place and date of death Rio de Janeiro, Brazil † 28 March 1943
Alexis Carrel
Date of birth 28 June 1873
Place carrel Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Biology
Place and date of death Paris, France † 05 October 1944
Sir Aldo Castellani
Date of birth 08 September 1877
Place Florence, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Tropical and Subtropical Medicine
Place and date of death Lisbon, Portugal † 03 October 1971
Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza
Date of birth 25 January 1922
Place Genoa, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 02 August 1994
Field Genetics
Place and date of death Belluno, Italy † 31 August 2018
Sir James Chadwick
Date of birth 20 October 1891
Place Bollington, United Kingdom (Europe)
Nomination 03 May 1961
Field Physics
Place and date of death Cambridge, UK † 24 July 1974
Carlos Chagas Filho
Date of birth 12 September 1910
Place Brazil (America)
Nomination 18 August 1961 (President of the PAS from 1972 to 1989)
Field Biology, Biophysics
Place and date of death Rio de Janeiro, Brazil † 16 February 2000
Te-Tzu Chang
Date of birth 03 April 1927
Place Shanghai, China (Asia)
Nomination 17 March 1997
Field Agriculture (Crop Science)
Place and date of death Tamsui, Taiwan † 24 March 2006
Georges Chaudron
Date of birth 29 April 1891
Place Fontenay-sous-Bois, France (Europe)
Nomination 10 April 1970
Field Applied Chemistry
Place and date of death Paris, France † 14 March 1976
Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere
Date of birth 10 July 1866
Place Ariccia, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 14 November 1951
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani
Date of birth 24 February 1883
Place Brisighella, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 24 October 1961 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Vatican City † 17 December 1973
Bernardo Maria Colombo
Date of birth 24 February 1919
Place Olginate (Lecco), Italy (Europe)
Nomination 18 September 1992
Field Demography
Place and date of death Padua, Italy † 26 April 2012
Giuseppe Colombo
Date of birth 02 October 1920
Place Padua, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Mechanics
Place and date of death Padua, Italy † 21 February 1984
Gustavo Colonnetti
Date of birth 11 August 1886
Place Turin, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Construction Science and Analytical and Graphical Mechanics
Place and date of death Turin, Italy † 20 March 1968
Arthur William Conway
Date of birth 02 October 1875
Place Wexford, Ireland (Europe)
Nomination 18 January 1939
Field Theoretical Physics
Place and date of death Dublin, Ireland † 11 July 1950
Edward Joseph Conway
Date of birth 03 July 1894
Place Nenagh, Ireland (Europe)
Nomination 11 August 1961
Field Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Place and date of death Dublin, Ireland † 20 December 1968
List of Deceased
Emil Abderhalden
Anatole Abragam
Anselmo M. Albareda
José M. Albareda Herrera
Ugo Amaldi
Christian B. Anfinsen
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
Giuseppe Armellini
Charles Eugène Barrois
John David Barrow
Gary Stanley Becker
Daniel Adzei Bekoe
Paul Berg
Sune Bergström
Enrico Berti
Charles Herbert Best
Emilio Bianchi
George David Birkhoff
Gaetano Bisleti
Vilhelm Bjerknes
André Blanc-Lapierre
Günter Blobel
Aage Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Marcello Boldrini
Giovanni Battista Bonino
Karol Borsuk
Filippo Bottazzi
Leonard E. Boyle
Edouard Branly
Hermann A. Brück
Keith Edward Bullen
Frederik J.J. Buytendijk
Nicola Cabibbo
Constantin Caratheodory
Antonio Cardoso Fontes
Alexis Carrel
Sir Aldo Castellani
Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza
Sir James Chadwick
Carlos Chagas Filho
Te-Tzu Chang
Georges Chaudron
Ludovico Chigi della Rovere
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani
Bernardo Maria Colombo
Giuseppe Colombo
Gustavo Colonnetti
Arthur William Conway
Edward Joseph Conway
Yves Coppens
Georges M.M. Cottier, OP
George V. Coyne, SJ
Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt
Gaetano Arturo Crocco
Alistair Cameron Crombie
Héctor Croxatto
Paul J. Crutzen
Eduardo Cruz-Coke
Lucien Cuenot
Giotto Dainelli
Giorgio Dal Piaz
Nicola Dallaporta
Renato Dardozzi
Antonio de Almeida
Dante De Blasi
Louis de Broglie
Aloysio de Castro
Christian de Duve
Filippo De Filippi
Ennio De Giorgi
George Charles de Hevesy
Charles de la Vallée-Poussin
Pietro De Sanctis
Pieter Josef William Debye
Enrico di Rovasenda, OP
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac
Johanna Döbereiner
Edward Adelbert Doisy
Sir John Carew Eccles
Manfred Eigen
Albert Eschenmoser
Pierre Fauvel
Fritz Feigl
Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Sir Alexander Fleming
Kenichi Fukui
Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi
Julio César Garcia Otero
José García-Siñeriz
Percy C.C. Garnham
Alois Gatterer, SJ
Agostino Gemelli
Wolfgang Gentner
Paul Germain
Ernesto Gherzi
Alessandro Ghigi
Giordano Giacomello
Gustave Gilson
Francesco Giordani
Giovanni Giorgi
Martino Giusti
Emil Godlewski
Giuseppe Gola
Victor Grégoire
Camillo Guidi
Paul Guthnick
Otto Hahn
Stephen W. Hawking
Werner Karl Heisenberg
Veikko Heiskanen
Gerhard Herzberg
Victor Francis Hess
Walter Rudolf Hess
Corneille Jean François Heymans
Raymond Hide
Sir Cyril Hinshelwood
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
Sven Hörstadius
Bernardo A. Houssay
Alberto Hurtado
Stanley L. Jaki, OSB
Paul A.J. Janssen
Georges Joachimoglu
Gaston Maurice Julia
Joseph Junkes, SJ
Fotis C. Kafatos
Theodore von Karman
Wilhelmus H. Keesom
Vladimir I. Keilis-Borok
Har Gobind Khorana
Thomas Adeoye Lambo
Herbert Sidney Langfeld
Max von Laue
Jean Lecomte
Joshua Lederberg
Jérôme Lejeune
Luis F. Leloir
Georges Lemaître
Pierre R. Lépine
Giuseppe Lepri
Louis Leprince-Ringuet
Tullio Levi-Civita
Rita Levi-Montalcini
André Lichnerowicz
Albert William Liley
Jacques-Louis Lions
Stanisław Łojasiewicz
Luigi Lombardi
Manuel Lora-Tamayo
Paolo Luigioni
Fedor Lynen
Luigi Maglione
Félix Malu wa Kalenga
Yuri I. Manin
Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani
Guglielmo Marconi
Giovanni Battista Marini-Bettòlo
Domenico Marotta
Carlo Maria Martini
James Robert McConnell
Antonio Mendes Corrêa
M.G.K. Menon
Angelo Mercati
Josef Metzler, OMI
Albert Michotte
Robert Millikan
Beatrice Mintz
Sanichiro Mizushima
Rudolf Mössbauer
Mario Molina
Thomas Morgan
William Morgan
Giuseppe Moruzzi
Marcos Moshinsky
Rudolf Muradyan
Joseph Edward Murray
Paul Niehans
Marshall W. Nirenberg
Umberto Nobile
Sergey P. Novikov
Adriaan Noyons
Severo Ochoa
Daniel J.K. O'Connell, SJ
Minoru Oda
Thomas R. Odhiambo
Czesław Olech
Jan Hendrik Oort
Eugenio Pacelli
George E. Palade
Modesto Panetti
Nicola Parravano
Pio Paschini
Crodowaldo Pavan
Antonio Pensa
Max F. Perutz
Ernst Petritsch
Emile Picard
Mauro Picone
Umberto Pierantoni
Carlo Pietrangeli
Enrico Pistolesi
Giuseppe Pittau, SJ
Giuseppe Pizzardo
Max Planck
Cyril A. Ponnamperuma
George Porter
Vladimir Prelog
Frank Press
Bernard Pullman
Giampietro Puppi
Gaetano Quagliariello
Alfons Raes, SJ
Sir C.V. Raman
Silvio Ranzi
Franco Rasetti
Joseph Ratzinger
Alexander Rich
Marcel Roche
Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe
Pietro Rondoni
Vera C. Rubin
Stanley K. Runcorn
Ernest Rutherford
Leopold Ruzicka
Sir Martin Ryle
Abdus Salam
Pietro Salviucci
Manuel Sandoval Vallarta
Wilhelm Schmidt, SVD
Erwin Schrödinger
Michael Schulien, SVD
Beniamino Segre
Michael Sela
Francesco Severi
Sir Charles Sherrington
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui
Kai M.B. Siegbahn
Wacław Sierpiński
Filippo Silvestri
Maxine F. Singer
Carlo Somigliana
Sir Richard Southwood
George Speri Sperti
Roger W. Sperry
Johan W.J.A. Stein, SJ
Alfons Maria Stickler, SDB
Robert Stoneley
Bengt Strömgren
Govind Swarup
Andrzej Szczeklik
Albert Szent-Györgyi
János Szentágothai
Domenico Tardini
Sir Hugh Stott Taylor
Walter E. Thirring
Arne W.K. Tiselius
Eugène Tisserant
Leonida Tonelli
Antonio Renato Toniolo
Charles Hard Townes
Patrick Treanor, SJ
Armin von Tschermak-Seysenegg
Hans Tuppy
Alfred R.J.P. Ubbelohde
Hamao Umezawa
Alfred Ursprung
Giancarlo Vallauri
Vittorio Valletta
Felix Andries Vening Meinesz
Francesco Vercelli
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
Vito Volterra
Victor F. Weisskopf
Hermann Weyl
Robert Joseph White
Sir Edmund T. Whittaker
Karel Frantisek Wiesner
Hideki Yukawa
Pieter Zeeman
Ahmed H. Zewail