Deceased Academicians

- Biography
Summary of scientific research
My scientific research has been principally concerned with the structure and dynamics of our Galaxy. Landmarks were the investigations on stars of high velocity, the confirmation of Lindblad's hypothesis of the rotation of the Galaxy by the discovery of the differential galactic rotation, the determination of the mass density in the general vicinity of the Sun, the exploration of the Galaxy with the aid of the emission line at 21-cm wavelength (together with Van de Hulst and Muller); tha anomalous motions of the gas near the galactic centre; infall of gas from the galactic halo.
Other investigations were concerned with: (a) the polarization of the light emitted by the Crab nebula which established that a major part of its radiation is so-called synchrotron radiation; (b) the study of explosive phenomena in the nuclei of galaxies (in particular the Galactic nucleus and the remarkable phenoma in the spiral NGC 4285 (together with Van der Kruit and Mathewson); (c) the large cloud of comets surrounding their solar system; (d) the spatial distribution of galaxies, in particular the largest structural elements in the Universe (the superclusters) and their origin.
Deceased Academicians | Alphabetical Order
Emil Abderhalden
Anatole Abragam
Anselmo M. Albareda
José M. Albareda Herrera
Ugo Amaldi
Christian B. Anfinsen
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
Giuseppe Armellini
Charles Eugène Barrois
John David Barrow
Gary Stanley Becker
Daniel Adzei Bekoe
Paul Berg
Sune Bergström
Enrico Berti
Charles Herbert Best
Emilio Bianchi
George David Birkhoff
Gaetano Bisleti
Vilhelm Bjerknes
André Blanc-Lapierre
Günter Blobel
Aage Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Marcello Boldrini
Giovanni Battista Bonino
Karol Borsuk
Filippo Bottazzi
Leonard E. Boyle
Edouard Branly
Hermann A. Brück
Keith Edward Bullen
Frederik J.J. Buytendijk
Nicola Cabibbo
Constantin Caratheodory
Antonio Cardoso Fontes
Alexis Carrel
Sir Aldo Castellani
Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza
Sir James Chadwick
Carlos Chagas Filho
Te-Tzu Chang
Georges Chaudron
Ludovico Chigi della Rovere
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani
Bernardo Maria Colombo
Giuseppe Colombo
Gustavo Colonnetti
Arthur William Conway
Edward Joseph Conway
Yves Coppens
Georges M.M. Cottier, OP
George V. Coyne, SJ
Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt
Gaetano Arturo Crocco
Alistair Cameron Crombie
Héctor Croxatto
Paul J. Crutzen
Eduardo Cruz-Coke
Lucien Cuenot
Giotto Dainelli
Giorgio Dal Piaz
Nicola Dallaporta
Renato Dardozzi
Antonio de Almeida
Dante De Blasi
Louis de Broglie
Aloysio de Castro
Christian de Duve
Filippo De Filippi
Ennio De Giorgi
George Charles de Hevesy
Charles de la Vallée-Poussin
Pietro De Sanctis
Pieter Josef William Debye
Enrico di Rovasenda, OP
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac
Johanna Döbereiner
Edward Adelbert Doisy
Sir John Carew Eccles
Manfred Eigen
Albert Eschenmoser
Pierre Fauvel
Fritz Feigl
Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
Sir Alexander Fleming
Kenichi Fukui
Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi
Julio César Garcia Otero
José García-Siñeriz
Percy C.C. Garnham
Alois Gatterer, SJ
Agostino Gemelli
Wolfgang Gentner
Paul Germain
Ernesto Gherzi
Alessandro Ghigi
Giordano Giacomello
Gustave Gilson
Francesco Giordani
Giovanni Giorgi
Martino Giusti
Emil Godlewski
Giuseppe Gola
Victor Grégoire
Camillo Guidi
Paul Guthnick
Otto Hahn
Stephen W. Hawking
Werner Karl Heisenberg
Veikko Heiskanen
Gerhard Herzberg
Victor Francis Hess
Walter Rudolf Hess
Corneille Jean François Heymans
Raymond Hide
Sir Cyril Hinshelwood
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
Sven Hörstadius
Bernardo A. Houssay
Alberto Hurtado
Stanley L. Jaki, OSB
Paul A.J. Janssen
Georges Joachimoglu
Gaston Maurice Julia
Joseph Junkes, SJ
Fotis C. Kafatos
Theodore von Karman
Wilhelmus H. Keesom
Vladimir I. Keilis-Borok
Har Gobind Khorana
Thomas Adeoye Lambo
Herbert Sidney Langfeld
Max von Laue
Jean Lecomte
Joshua Lederberg
Jérôme Lejeune
Luis F. Leloir
Georges Lemaître
Pierre R. Lépine
Giuseppe Lepri
Louis Leprince-Ringuet
Tullio Levi-Civita
Rita Levi-Montalcini
André Lichnerowicz
Albert William Liley
Jacques-Louis Lions
Stanisław Łojasiewicz
Luigi Lombardi
Manuel Lora-Tamayo
Paolo Luigioni
Fedor Lynen
Luigi Maglione
Félix Malu wa Kalenga
Yuri I. Manin
Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani
Guglielmo Marconi
Giovanni Battista Marini-Bettòlo
Domenico Marotta
Carlo Maria Martini
James Robert McConnell
Antonio Mendes Corrêa
M.G.K. Menon
Angelo Mercati
Josef Metzler, OMI
Albert Michotte
Robert Millikan
Beatrice Mintz
Sanichiro Mizushima
Rudolf Mössbauer
Mario Molina
Thomas Morgan
William Morgan
Giuseppe Moruzzi
Marcos Moshinsky
Rudolf Muradyan
Joseph Edward Murray
Paul Niehans
Marshall W. Nirenberg
Umberto Nobile
Sergey P. Novikov
Adriaan Noyons
Severo Ochoa
Daniel J.K. O'Connell, SJ
Minoru Oda
Thomas R. Odhiambo
Czesław Olech
Jan Hendrik Oort
Eugenio Pacelli
George E. Palade
Modesto Panetti
Nicola Parravano
Pio Paschini
Crodowaldo Pavan
Antonio Pensa
Max F. Perutz
Ernst Petritsch
Emile Picard
Mauro Picone
Umberto Pierantoni
Carlo Pietrangeli
Enrico Pistolesi
Giuseppe Pittau, SJ
Giuseppe Pizzardo
Max Planck
Cyril A. Ponnamperuma
George Porter
Vladimir Prelog
Frank Press
Bernard Pullman
Giampietro Puppi
Gaetano Quagliariello
Alfons Raes, SJ
Sir C.V. Raman
Silvio Ranzi
Franco Rasetti
Joseph Ratzinger
Alexander Rich
Marcel Roche
Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe
Pietro Rondoni
Vera C. Rubin
Stanley K. Runcorn
Ernest Rutherford
Leopold Ruzicka
Sir Martin Ryle
Abdus Salam
Pietro Salviucci
Manuel Sandoval Vallarta
Wilhelm Schmidt, SVD
Erwin Schrödinger
Michael Schulien, SVD
Beniamino Segre
Michael Sela
Francesco Severi
Sir Charles Sherrington
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui
Kai M.B. Siegbahn
Wacław Sierpiński
Filippo Silvestri
Maxine F. Singer
Carlo Somigliana
Sir Richard Southwood
George Speri Sperti
Roger W. Sperry
Johan W.J.A. Stein, SJ
Alfons Maria Stickler, SDB
Robert Stoneley
Bengt Strömgren
Govind Swarup
Andrzej Szczeklik
Albert Szent-Györgyi
János Szentágothai
Domenico Tardini
Sir Hugh Stott Taylor
Walter E. Thirring
Arne W.K. Tiselius
Eugène Tisserant
Leonida Tonelli
Antonio Renato Toniolo
Charles Hard Townes
Patrick Treanor, SJ
Armin von Tschermak-Seysenegg
Hans Tuppy
Alfred R.J.P. Ubbelohde
Hamao Umezawa
Alfred Ursprung
Giancarlo Vallauri
Vittorio Valletta
Felix Andries Vening Meinesz
Francesco Vercelli
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
Vito Volterra
Victor F. Weisskopf
Hermann Weyl
Robert Joseph White
Sir Edmund T. Whittaker
Karel Frantisek Wiesner
Hideki Yukawa
Pieter Zeeman
Ahmed H. Zewail
On the problem of the origin of spiral structure
Commentarii Vol. II, N. 55