Deceased Academicians

Hans Tuppy


Hans Tuppy

Date of birth 22 July 1924

Place Vienna, Austria (Europe)

Nomination 10 April 1970

Field Biochemistry

Title Professor Emeritus

Place and date of death Vienna † 24 April 2024

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
Academies: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher 'Leopoldina'; Österreichische Akademie der Wissen schaften; Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Honorary Degrees: University of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Agriculture, Vienna; Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Summary of scientific research
Investigations on the structure and function of biologically and biomedically important peptides and proteins (insulin, relaxin, oxytocin, cytochrome, interferon), mitochondria, blood-group antigens of the ABO and Lewis systems, and neuraminic acid derivatives.

Main publications
Sanger, F. and Tuppy, H., The Amino-acid Sequence in the Phenylalanyl Chain of Insulin, Biochem. J., 49, pp. 463-81 (1951); Tuppy, H., The Amino-acid Sequence in Oxytocin, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 11, p. 449 (1953); Tuppy, H. and Wintersberger, E., Reinigung und Eigenschaften der Serum-Oxytocinase, Monatshefte f. Chemie, 91, p. 1001 (1960); Margoliash, E., Smith, E.L., Kreil, G. and Tuppy, H., The Complete Amino-acid Sequence of the Horse Heart Cytochrome C, Nature, 192, p. 1125 (1961); Schatz, G., Haslbrunner, E. and Tuppy, H., Deoxyribonucleic Acid Associated with Yeast Mitocondria, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 15, p. 127 (1964); Wintersberger, E. and Tuppy, H., DNA-Abhängige RNA-Synthese in isolierten Hefe-Mitochondrien, Biochem. Z., 341, p. 399 (1965); Meindl, P. and Tuppy, H., Über 2-Deoxy-2, 3-Dehydrosialinsäuren, Monatshefte f. Chemie, 100, p. 1295 (1969), Z. Physiol. Chem., 350, p. 1088 (1969); Schenkel-Brunner, H. and Tuppy, H., Enzymatic Conversion of Human O into A Erythrocytes and of B into AB Erythrocytes, Nature, 233, p. 1272 (1969); Meindl, P., Bodo, G., Palese, P., Shulman, J. and Tuppy, H., Inhibition of Neuraminidase Activity by Derivatives of 2-deoxy-2, 3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic Acid, Virology, 58, p. 457 (1974); Meindl, P., Bono, G. and Tuppy, H., Synthetische niedermolekulare Induktoren von Interferon, Arzneimittelforschung, 26, p. 303 (1976); Prohaska, R., Schenkel-Brunner, H. and Tuppy, H., Enzymatic Synthesis of Blood-group Lewis-Specific Glycolipids, Eur. J. Biochem., 84, p. 161 (1978)

Professional Address

University of Vienna
Institute of Biochemistry
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9,3.Stock
A-1030 Vienna (Austria)