Academicians Perdurante Munere

Rocco Ronzani, O.S.A.


Rocco Ronzani, O.S.A.

Date of birth 21 February 1978

Place Rome, Italy (Europe)

Nomination 05 July 2024

Field History and Patristic Studies

Title Professor

  • Biography
  • Publications

P. Rocco Ronzani (ORCID iD: 0009-0009-8984-8860), a priest of the Province of Italy of Order of St. Augustine, pursued studies in Philosophy and Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He further specialized at the Pontifical Augustinian Patristic Institute, earning a Ph.D. in February 2010 with a dissertation in Patristic Philology. This work was later published as: Gelasio di Roma, Lettera sulle due nature. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento, edited by R. Ronzani, Bologna 2011 (Biblioteca Patristica 48). In 2008, he graduated as a Paleographer-Archivist from the Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica. He teaches Patrology at the Augustinianum and the Pontifical Lateran University. Additionally, he serves as President of the Historical Institute of the Order of Saint Augustine and is a member of the International Association of Patristic Studies (AIEP), the Italian Association of Church History Professors (AIPSC), and the association Roma nel Rinascimento. He co-edits the journal Analecta Augustiniana and is presently the archivist for the Historical Archive of the Augustinian Province of Italy. Ronzani is also a theological consultant for the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints. In 2024, he was appointed Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives and Director of the Vatican School of Paleography. His primary research interests include patristic hilology, late antiquity, the early middle ages, and the history of the Augustinian Order.

«Aspetti della riflessione teologica a Roma nel III secolo» [Published in: “Nessuno conosce il Padre se non il Figlio” (Mt 11,27). Scritti in onore di Nicola Ciola per il 70° compleanno, a cura di R. Nardin-G. Pulcinelli, Bologna 2024, pp. 237-250]; Isaia 66 nel commento di Gregorio Magno (in ricordo di Paolo Siniscalco, † 20-07-2022), in Isaia profeta del Vangelo. Isaia 56-66 ed esegesi patristica a cura di Marco Settembrini (Studi biblici 218), Paideia, Torino 2024, pp. 235-257; L’ostilità verso i cristiani nel mondo tardoantico [Published in: Chiesa e Storia 13 (2023), 51-64]; La consacrazione di Novaziano in una notizia di Eulogio di Alessandria trasmessa da Fozio (Phot., codd. 182, 280) [Published in: Augustinianum 73/1 (2023), pp. 269-282]; «Fructus centesimus caritas. L’attualità della santità in una prospettiva patristica», [Published in: La santità oggi. Atti del convegno di studio (Dicastero delle Cause dei santi. Sussidi per lo studio delle cause dei santi, 12), Roma 2022 (stampato a ottobre 2023), pp. 73-88].

For all other publications see external Link

Professional Address

Archivio Apostolico Vaticano
V-00120 Città del Vaticano