Ordinary Academicians

Zeresenay “Zeray” Alemseged

Date of birth 04 June 1969

Place Axum, Ethiopia (Africa)

Nomination 07 December 2021

Field Palaeoanthropology, Human Evolution

Werner Arber

Date of birth 03 June 1929

Place Gränichen, Andorra (Europe)

Nomination 12 May 1981 (President of the PAS from 20 December 2010 to 29 May 2017 | President Emeritus for Life from 7 September 2021)

Field Microbiology, Biological Evolution

Frances Hamilton Arnold

Date of birth 25 July 1956

Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America (America)

Nomination 08 October 2019

Field Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Chemistry

Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato

Date of birth 28 September 1958

Place Sao Carlos, Brazil (America)

Nomination 27 September 2012

Field Physics and Material Science Engineering

David Baltimore

Date of birth 07 March 1938

Place New York, NY, United States of America (America)

Nomination 17 April 1978

Field Biology

Antonio M. Battro

Date of birth 06 February 1936

Place Mar del Plata, Argentina (America)

Nomination 03 August 2002

Field Neuro-developmental Study of Cognition

David Baulcombe

Date of birth 07 April 1952

Place Solihull, United Kingdom (Europe)

Nomination 18 August 2020

Field Genetics, Botany, Virology

Robert Eric Betzig

Date of birth 13 January 1960

Place Ann Arbour, Michigan, United States of America (America)

Nomination 31 May 2016

Field Chemistry

Helen M. Blau

Date of birth 08 May 1948

Place London, United Kingdom (Europe)

Nomination 10 October 2017

Field Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Thierry Boon-Falleur

Date of birth 03 December 1944

Place Kessel-Lo, Belgium (Europe)

Nomination 06 February 2002

Field Biology

Joachim von Braun

Date of birth 10 July 1950

Place Brakel, Germany (Europe)

Nomination 27 September 2012 (President of the PAS since 13 June 2017)

Field Food, Nutrition and Agricultural Research, Development and Poverty

Luis Ángel Caffarelli

Date of birth 08 December 1948

Place Buenos Aires, Argentina (America)

Nomination 02 August 1994

Field Mathematics

Emmanuelle Charpentier

Date of birth 11 December 1968

Place Juvisy-sur-Orge, France (Europe)

Nomination 20 April 2021

Field Microbiology

Chien-Jen Chen

Date of birth 06 June 1951

Place Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Asia)

Nomination 20 April 2021

Field Epidemiology, Public Health and Human Genetics

Steven Chu

Date of birth 28 February 1948

Place St Louis, Missouri, United States of America (America)

Nomination 30 January 2018

Field Physics

Aaron J. Ciechanover

Date of birth 01 October 1947

Place Haifa, Israel (Asia)

Nomination 12 February 2007

Field Biochemistry

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Date of birth 01 April 1933

Place Constantine, Algeria (Africa)

Nomination 17 May 1999

Field Atomic and Molecular Physics

Francis S. Collins

Date of birth 14 April 1950

Place Staunton, VA, United States of America (America)

Nomination 10 February 2009

Field Genetics

Suzanne Cory

Date of birth 11 March 1942

Place Melbourne, Australia (Oceania)

Nomination 27 January 2004

Field Molecular Biology

Edward M. De Robertis

Date of birth 06 June 1947

Place Boston, MA, United States of America (America)

Nomination 08 September 2009

Field Biology