Deceased Academicians

Sergey Petrovich Novikov


Sergey Petrovich Novikov

Date of birth 20 March 1938

Place Gorky, Russia (Europe)

Nomination 25 June 1996

Field Mathematics

Title Professor

Place and date of death † 06 June 2024

  • Biography
  • Publications

Most important awards, prizes and academies
Awards: Fields Medal (1970); Lenin Prize (1967); Lobachevski International Prize (1981); Wolf Prize (2005). Academies: USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences (1981); Honorary Member, London Math. Society (1987); US National Academy (1994); Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (1993); Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996); European Academy of Sciences, Brussels.

Summary of scientific research
Classical Topology of 60s: 1. Method of classification of manifolds developed 1961-4 [1]. Proof of topological invariance of rational Pontryagin classes [2]. Novikov Conjecture describing all homotopy invariant expressions from the Riemann Curvature Tensor [3]. 2. Calculation of stable homotopy groups of spheres and cobordism rings [4]; new methods of algebraic topology based on the complex cobordisms [5, 6]. 3. Topology of 2-foliations on 3-manifolds (1963-5): proof of the existence of compact leaf on a 3-sphere, braids and classification of analytical 2-foliations in the solid torus, homotopy obstructions for the Anosov systems [7]. Topological Phenomena in Physics: 1. Chern numbers of the dispersion relations for the generic 2D Schrodinger operators in magnetic field and lattice found in 1980 before the discovery of the Integral Quantum Hall Effect [8]. 2. Topology of multivalued functions and functionals (closed 1-forms) gas constructed in 1981-2 [9]. Morse theory and fundamental group, representations and von Neumann factors, Novikov-Shubin invariants [10]. 3. Qualitative theory of the Einstein equation for Homogeneous Cosmological Models as a dynamical system near singularity constructed in 1971-3 [23]. 4. Galvanomagnetic phenomena: universal generic asymptotics for the conductivity tensor of the 3D normal metal with complicated Fermi surface in the strong magnetic field (of the order of magnitude about 10-100t) was found [11]. Solitons and Algebraic Geometry: 1. Periodic Problem for the KdV equation: large family of the exact 'finite-gap' solutions found based on the discovery of finite-gap (algebro-geometrical) 1D periodic potentials. Riemann surface, θ-functions [12, 13]. KP hierarchy and Krichever solutions found in 1976 as a basis for the Novikov Conjecture on the solution of Riemann-Schottki Problem for θ-functions. Inverse spectral problem for the 2D Schrodinger operators on a single energy level [13]. Higher rank solutions for the KP hierarchy. Explicit calculation of the commuting higher rank linear OD operators, Krichever-Novikov equation [14]. 2. Special Poisson brackets for the finite-dimensional integrable systems [15]. Dubrovin-Novikov Hydrodynamic Type Poisson brackets based on the Riemannian Geometry discovered in 1983. Numerical and analytical integration of the Whitham systems with singularities, dispersive analog of shock wave [15]. 3. Analog of the Laurent-Fourier decompositions on Riemann surface as a tool for the operator quantization of the bosonic strings for any number of loops [16]. 4. Laplace Chains of the 2D Schrodinger operators, new exactly solvable cases in the magnetic field and lattice, discrete systems [16, 17]. Scattering theory on graphs developed on the basis of Symplectic Geometry 1997-8 [18].

Main publications
[1] Homotopically equivalent smooth manifolds, I., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 28 (2), pp. 365-474 (1964); [2] On manifolds with free Abelian fundamental group and their application, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 30 (1), pp. 207-46 (1966); [3] Analogues hermitiens de la K-theorie, Actes Congr. Intern. Math (Nice, 1970), Gauthier-Villars, Paris, vol. 2, pp. 39-45 (1971); [4] Homotopy properties of Thom complexes, Mat. Sb., 57 (4), pp. 406-42 (1962); [5] Methods of algebraic topology from the point of view of cobordism theory, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 31 (4), pp. 885-951 (1967); [6] Formal groups and their role in the apparatus of algebraic topology (et al.), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 26 (2), pp. 131-54 (1971); [7] The topology of foliations, Trudy Moskov. Mat. Obshch, 14, pp. 248-78 (1965); [8] Bloch functions in a magnetic field and vector bundles. Typical dispersion relations and their quantum numbers, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 257 (3), pp. 538-43 (1981); [9] The Hamiltonian formalism and a many-valued analogue of Morse theory, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 37 (5), pp. 3-49 (1982); [10] Morse inequalities and von Neumann 1-factors, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 289 (2), pp. 289-92 (1986); [11] Topological Phenomena in Metals (with Maltsev, A.), Uspekhi Phys Nauk, 168 (3), pp. 249-58 (1998); [12] A periodic problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equations, I., Funktsional Anal. i Prilozhen., 8 (3), pp. 54-66 (1974); [13] Non-linear equations of Korteweg-de Vries type, finite zone linear operators, and Abelian varieties (et al.), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 31 (1), pp. 55-136 (1976); [14] Two-dimensional Schrödinger operators: Inverse scattering transform and evolutional equations (with Veselov, A.P.), Phys., D18, pp. 267-73 (1986); [15] Holomorphic bundles over algebraic curves and nonlinear equations (with Krichever, I.M.), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 35 (6), pp. 47-68 (1980); [16] Poisson brackets and complex tori, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov, 165, pp. 49-61 (1984); [17] Hydrodynamics of the soliton lattices. Differential geometry and Hamiltonian formalism (with Dubrovin, B.A.), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 44 (6), pp. 29-98 (1989); [18] Riemann surfaces, operator fields, strings. Analogues of the Fourier-Laurent bases (with Krichever, I.M.), Physics and Mathematics of Strings (L. Brink et al., eds), World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 356-88 (1990); [19] Spectral Symmetries of the Low-dimensional Schrödinger Operators and La place Transformations (with Dynnikov, I.A.), Russia Math Surveys, 52 (5), pp. 175-234 (1997); [20] Schrödinger Operators on Graphs and Symplectic Geometry, to appear in the Additional Volume of Arnoldfest, Toronto, Fields Institute; [21] Topology. 1. Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences, Springer Verlag, vol. 12, pp. 320 (1996); [22] Solitons and Geometry. Fermi lectures 1992, Scuola Norm. Sup. di Pisa, (1994); [23] Singularities of the cosmological model of the Bianchi IX type according to the qualitative theory of differential equations (with Bogoyavlenskii, O.I.), Zh. Eksper. Teoret. Fiz., 64 (5), pp. 1475-94 (1973). Latest articles: Dynamical Systems, Topology and Conductivity in Normal Metals, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2004, vol 115, iss 1-2, pp. 31-46 (16), (with A. Maltsev); Integable Systems. 1. Encyclopedia Math. Sciences, Dynamical Systems, v 4 (edited by V. Arnold and S. Novikov), 2nd exp. and rev. edition, pp. 177-332, Springer, 2001 (with B. Dubrovin and I. Krichever); Algebraic Topology. Modern Problems of Mathematics. Steklov Math Institute Series, pp. 1-46 (in Russian) A revised version of this article is published: Topology in the 20th Century: A view from inside, Uspekhi Math. Nauk=Russian Math Surveys, vol 59 (2004) n. 5; On the metric independent exotic homology, preprint. Proceedings (Trudy) of the Steklov Math Institute, vol 251 (2005), pp. 202-12; Topology of the quasiperiodic functions on the plane and dynamical systems, Uspekhi Math. Nauk, 2005, v. 60 n. 1 (with I. Dynnikov); Topology of foliations given by the real parts of holomorphic 1-forms (v. 1, 21 Jan 2005, rev. February 2005 and March 2005); Topology of the Generic Hamiltonian Foliations on the Riemann Surface. Math. GT/0505342, New version, Moscow Math. Journal (MMJ), vol 5 (2005), n. 3, pp. 633-67.

Professional Address

University of Maryland at College Park
Institute for Physical Science and Technology
College Park, MD 20742-2431 (USA)