Oregon State University
Department of Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2914
Ordinary Academicians

Most important awards, prizes and academies
A member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, The World Academy of Science and others, her awards include 22 honorary doctorates and the highest awards from both the National Academy of Sciences (the Public Welfare Medal) and the National Science Foundation (the Vannevar Bush Award).
Summary of scientific research
A marine ecologist with expertise in the ocean, climate change, and interactions between the environment and human well-being, she focuses on actions that would achieve healthy, resilient ocean ecosystems and people. She also proposed ‘A New Social Contract for Science’ in which scientists have a moral obligation to engage with society, help solve urgent societal problems, and act with humility, transparency and honesty.
Main publications
2010 Lubchenco, J. Changing Course: A Proposed Framework for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in the United States. Environmental Law Institute National Wetlands Newsletter, July-August 2010, p 4-7. Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C.; 2010 Lubchenco, J. Ocean Observations: Essential for Good Stewardship. Marine Technology Society Journal: 44(6): 6-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.44.6.23; 2010 Lubchenco, J. and L. Petes. The Interconnected Biosphere: Science at the Ocean’s Tipping Points (Eleventh Annual Roger Revelle Lecture). Oceanography: 23 (2): 115-129. Reprinted: p 18-39 in Sustainable Development of the World’s Large Marine Ecosystems during Climate Change. 2010. Eds. Ken Sherman and S. Adams, IUCN. Gland, Switzerland, xii+232 p.; 2010 Lubchenco, J. New NOAA climate office would meet growing needs. Commentary in Science News: 177(6):32.; 2010 Lubchenco, J. and N. Sutley. Proposed U.S. Policy for Ocean, Coast and Great Lakes Stewardship. Science: 328:1485-6; 2010 Lubchenco, J. Earth Day is about recovering the environment and the economy. Op-ed in Miami Herald and other McClatchy newspapers, April 21.; 2011 Guarderas A.P., S.D. Hacker, and J. Lubchenco. Ecological effects of marine reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 429:219-225; 2011 Menge, B.A., S.D. Hacker, T. Friedenburg, J. Lubchenco, R. Craig, G. Rilov, M. Noble, E. Richmond. Potential impact of climate-related changes is buffered by differential responses to recruitment and interactions. Ecological Monographs: 81(3): 493-509; 2011 Lubchenco, J. Oil spill heightens importance of sea turtle recovery. Op-ed in Brandenton Herald/Gulf Times, (Qatar)/ Eco-World; 2011 Guarderas A.P., S.D. Hacker, J. Lubchenco. Current status of marine protected areas In Latin America and the Caribbean. Conservation Biology: 22:1630-1640. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01023.x; 2011 Menge, B.A., T. Gouhier, T. Freidenburg and J. Lubchenco. Linking long-term, large-scale climatic and environmental variability to patterns of marine invertebrate recruitment: Toward explaining ‘unexplained’ variation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology: 400:236-249; 2011 Lubchenco, J. and J. Blumenfeld. Reducing marine debris is worldwide challenge. Op-Ed in Honolulu Star-Advertiser, March 23; 2011; Schwaab, E.C., J. Lubchenco. Global Fisheries Sustainability: A Need for Concerted Actions to Meet Society’s Goals. Pp vii-ix, Preface in: Sustainable Fisheries: Multi-level Approaches to a Global Problem Sustainable Fisheries, W.W. Taylor, A.J. Lynch, and M.G. Schechter, Eds. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA; 2011 Krenz, C., B. A. Menge, T. L. Freidenburg, J. Lubchenco, F. Chan, M.M. Foley, and K.J. Nielsen. Ecological subsidies to rocky intertidal communities: linear or non-linear changes along a consistent geographic upwelling transition? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology: 409 (1-2):361-370; 2011 Lubchenco, J., and M. Damanaki. The pirates of the fisheries. Op-ed in China Daily, and reprinted in Today’s Zaman; Project Syndicate, among others. September 6; 2011 Damanaki, M., and J. Lubchenco. Agreement with the US to avoid illegal fish import. Commentary in Fish Information and Services, Sept 8; 2012 Lubchenco, J., L.E. Petes, and T. R. Karl. Enhancing the resilience of coasts and oceans through climate services. Ocean Policy Research Foundation (of Japan)’s Ship and Ocean Newsletter (available in Japanese and English); 2012 Lubchenco, J. and T.R. Karl. Predicting and Managing Extreme Weather Events. Physics Today: 65(3):31-37. Doi:10.10.1063/PT.3.1475; 2012 Lubchenco, J., J. Hayes. A Better Eye on the Storm. Scientific American: May 2012:68-73; 2012 Bracken, M.E.S., B.A. Menge, M.M. Foley, C.J.B. Sorte, J. Lubchenco, D.R. Schiel. Mussel selectivity for high-quality food drives carbon inputs into open-coast intertidal ecosystems. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 459:53-62; 2012 Lubchenco, J., New tools helping fish populations to rebuild. The Environmental Forum: 29 (3): 50; 2012 Beddington, J. and J. Lubchenco. Acid Test for Marine Life. Op-ed in New York Times/International Herald Tribune, June 18; 2012 Lubchenco, J. Charting a Course for Success: NOAA’s Recreational Fisheries Initiative. Commentary in Sport Fishing Magazine, July 18;
2012 Lubchenco, J., M. K. McNutt, G. Dreyfus, S. A. Murawski, D. M. Kennedy, P. T. Anastas, S. Chu, T. Hunter. Science in support of the Deepwater Horizon response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 109(50):20212-20221; 2012 McNutt, M, S. Chu, J. Lubchenco, T. Hunter, G. Dreyfus, S Murawski, and D. Kennedy Applications of science and engineering to quantify and control the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 109(50):20222-20228; 2012 Lubchenco, J. Reflections on the Sustainable Biosphere Initiative. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America: October 2012, 260-267; 2013 Lubchenco, J. and M. Damanaki. U.S. and EU Tackle Illegal Fishing – From a Shared Vision to Action. Huffington Post Green Blog, Feb 12; 2013 Lubchenco, J. Phoenix Rising? Resilience in a Climate-Changed World. Thirteenth Annual John H. Chafee Lecture on Science and the Environment. National Council for Science and the Environment, Washington, D.C. 2013:1-17; 2013 World Bank Blue Ribbon Panel. Indispensable Oceans: Aligning Ocean Health and Human Well-Being, Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel to the Global Ocean Partnership for Oceans. www.globalpartnershipforoceans.org/indispensable-ocean; 2013 Lubchenco, J. Large Marine Ecosystems: The Leading Edge of Science, Management and Policy. in: Kenneth Sherman and Sara Adams (eds.), Stress, Sustainability, and Development of Large Marine Ecosystems during Climate Change. Large Marine Ecosystems: Vol. 18:2-19, UNDP and GEF; 2014 Parenteau, P., K. Caldeira and J. Lubchenco. Brief of Amicus Curiae Scientists in support of plaintiff Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. EPA et al., Case No. 2:13-cv-01866JLR filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington at Seattle, regarding failure of EPA to list coastal waters of Washington and Oregon as impaired in light of evidence of impairment due to ocean acidification; 2014 Tallis, H., J. Lubchenco and 238 co-signatories. A Call for Inclusive Conservation. Nature: 515:27-28; 2014 Lubchenco, J. and M. Tercek. One of the Smartest Investments We Can Make. Ensia, April 14. http://ensia.com/voices/one-of-the-smartest-investments-we-can-make/; 2015 Liu, J., Mooney, H., Hull, V., Davis, S.J., Gaskell, J., Hertel, T., Lubchenco, J., Seto, K.C., Gleick, P., Kremen, C., and Li, S. Systems Integration for Global Sustainability. Science:347(625):1258832-9; 2015 Collins, S., W. Parton, J. Lubchenco, H. Mooney. Resolution of Respect for Paul Risser. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America: 96(1):72-73; 2015 Reimer, J.N., K. Grorud-Colvert, A.K. Barner, and J. Lubchenco. Healthy oceans, Healthy people, healthy economies; Integrating fisheries management and protected areas for environmental, economic and social benefits. Global Sustainable Development Report brief. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/topics/science/crowdsourcedbriefs; 2015 Jenks, B., J. Lubchenco and J. Cantore. What Will the Weather Bring? Searching for Solutions to Disaster Preparedness. Op-ed blog in Huffington Post, May 6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brett-jenks/what-will-the-weather-bri_b_72....; 2015 Barner, A.K., J. Lubchenco, C. Costello, S.D. Gaines, A. Leland, B. Jenks, S. Murawski, E. Schwaab, and M. Spring. Solutions for recovering and sustaining the bounty of the ocean: combining fishery reforms, rights-based fisheries management and marine reserves. Oceanography: 28(2):252-263. http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2015.51; 2015 Schaefer, M., E. Goldman, A.M. Bartuska, A. E. Sutton-Grier, J. Lubchenco. Nature as Capital: Advancing and Incorporating Ecosystem Services in U.S. Federal Policies and Programs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 112(24):7383-7389; 2015 Guerry, A, S Polasky, J. Lubchenco, R. Chaplin-Kramer, G.C. Daily, R. Griffin, M.H. Ruckelshaus, I.J. Bateman, A. Duraiappah, T. Elmqvist, M.W. Feldman, C. Folke, J. Hoekstra, P. Kareiva, B. Keeler, S. Li, E. McKenzie, Z. Ouyang, B. Reyers, T. Ricketts, J. Rockstrom, H. Tallis, and B. Vira. Natural Capital Informing Decisions: From Promise to Practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 112(24): 7348-7355; 2015 Pudjiastuti, S. and J. Lubchenco. Working Toward Sustainable Global Fisheries. Wall Street Journal, June 24. http://www.wsj.com/articles/workingtowardsustainableglobalfisheries14351....; 2015 Lubchenco, J., A.K. Barner, E.B. Cerny-Chipman, and J.N. Reimer. SDGs need the Earth Sciences. Nature Geosciences: 8:741-745; 2015 Polasky, S., A.D. Guerry, J. Lubchenco, M. Ruckelshaus. Liability Rules Provide Incentives to Protect Natural Capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 112 (39): E 5380; 2015 Damanaki, M., Y. Kawaguchi, and J. Lubchenco. Ending Rogue Fishing. Project Syndicate op-ed, Oct 5, published in 10 languages in numerous outlets; 2015 Lubchenco, J. Science is the Real Winner in National Geographic’s Expanded Partnership. Oct 16, op-ed in San Diego State University U-Wire; 2015 Lubchenco, J. and K. Grorud-Colvert. Making Waves: The Science and Politics of Ocean Protection. Science: 350:382-383 plus Supplemental Materials.
http://science.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/science.aad5443?ijkey=5p0eIBLC8bTP2&keytype=ref&siteid=sci; 2015 Lubchenco, J. A ‘Win-Win-Win’ plan for Healthy Seas. TWAS Newsletter: 27 (1) p 20; 2016 Mease, L.A., T. Gibbs-Plessl, and J. Lubchenco. Call scientists before disaster strikes. Eos: 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO042593. Published on 5 January 2016; 2016 W.D. Ruckelshaus, J. Lubchenco and L. Panetta. Protecting our ocean must be priority for president, Congress. Op-ed in Seattle Times, 29 Jan. 2016; 2016 Grorud-Colvert, K., J. Lubchenco and A.K. Barner. Seas the Day: A Bluer, Saltier Second Century for American Parks. In: Science for Parks, Parks for Science: The Next Century, eds. S.R. Beissinger, D.D. Ackerly, H. Doremus, G. Machlis. University of Chicago Press: 416 p. ISBN 9780226422954; 2016 Lubchenco, J. The sea-otter whisperer. Book review of James E. Estes’ Serendipity: An Ecologists’ Quest to Understand Nature. Nature: 533:318-19; 2016 Sorte, C.J.B, V.E. Davidson, M.C. Franklin, K.M. Benes, M.M. Doellman, R.J. Etter, R.E Hannigan, J. Lubchenco and B.A. Menge. Long-term declines in an intertidal foundation species parallel shifts in community composition. Global Change Biology: 23(1): 341-352; 2016 Lubchenco, J. Robert Treat Paine III (1933-1916). Nature: 535:356; 2016 Estes, J.A., P.K. Dayton, P. Kareiva, S.A. Levin, J. Lubchenco, B.A Menge, S.R Palumbi, M.E. Power, J. Terborgh. A Keystone Ecologist: Robert Treat Paine 1933-2016. Ecology: 97 (11):2905-2909. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.1572; 2016 Lubchenco, J., E.B. Cerny-Chipman, J.N. Reimer, S.A. Levin. The right incentives enable ocean sustainability successes and provide hope for the future. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 113 (51): 14507-14514; 2016 Lubchenco, J. and B. Pettinger. With America’s fisheries rebounding, we can’t turn back. Op-ed in Oregonian, Nov 26. http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/11/with_americas_fisher...; 2016 Lubchenco, J. and M. Damanaki. Save the Blue Fin Tuna. Op-ed in New York Times, Dec 4. http://nyti.ms/2h3KXT4; 2016 McCauley, D.J., F.H. Joyce, J. Lubchenco. Conservation: smart advocacy needs data. Nature: 540 (7631): 38; 2016 Lubchenco, J., P. Guidetti, K. Grorud-Colvert, S. Giakoumi, S. Gaines, F. Micheli, G. diCarlo. Science of Marine Protected Areas – Mediterranean Version (3rd Edition), PISCO. www.piscoweb.org. 22 p. English, French; 2017 Grorud-Colvert, K., and J. Lubchenco. Momentum grows for ocean preserves. How well do they work? The Conversation. Jan 3. http://bit.ly/2ldUMAE; 2017 Lubchenco, Jane. Environmental science in a post-truth world. Invited editorial in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment: 15(1):3. DOI: 10.1002/fee.1454 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fee.1454/full; 2017 Mease, L.A., T. Gibbs-Plessl, A. Erickson, K.A. Ludwig, C.M. Reddy, J. Lubchenco. Designing a Solution to Enable Agency-Academic Scientific Collaboration for Disasters. Ecology and Society: 22(2):18. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09246-220218; 2017 Lubchenco, J., H. Mooney and P. Vitousek. Comments on Vitousek et al. 1997. In Curtin, C.G. and T.H.F. Allen. Complex Ecology: Foundational perspectives on dynamic approaches to ecology and conservation. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK): in press; 2017 Sullivan, J.M., E. B. Cerny-Chipman, A.R. Rosenberg, J. Lubchenco. Bridging the Science-Policy Interface: Adaptive Solutions in the Anthropocene. Pp 3-22 In: P.S. Levin and M.R. Poe (eds) Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean: Interdisciplinary science in support of nature and people. 300 pp. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-805375-1.00001-5 Elsevier/Academic Press: London, UK; 2017 Menge, B.A., M. Bracken, J. Lubchenco and H. Leslie. Alternative state? Experimentally induced Fucus canopy persists 38 yr in an Ascophyllum-dominated community. Ecosphere: DOI 10.1002/ecs2.1725; 2017 Giakoumi, S., C. Scianna, J. Plass-Johnson, F. Micheli, K. Grorud-Colvert, P. Tiriet, J. Claudet, G. Di Carlo, A. DiFranco, S. D. Gaines, J. A., Garcia-Charton, J. Lubchenco, J. Reimer, E. Sala, P. Guidetti. Marine Protected Areas in the crowded Mediterranean Sea: assessing ecological effects of full and partial protection. in Press: Scientific Reports; 2017 Mumby, P., J. Sanchirico, K. Broad, M. Beck, P. Tyedmers, M. Morikawa, T. Oakey, L. Crowder, E. Fulton, D. Kelso, J. Kleypas, S. Munch, P. Glynn, K. Matthews, J. Lubchenco. Avoiding a crisis of motivation for ocean management under global environmental change. Global Change Biology: 23:4483-4496. DOI 10.1111/gcb.13698; 2017 Council on Foreign Relations Arctic Task Force. Arctic Imperatives: Reinforcing U.S. Strategy on America’s Fourth Coast. Independent Task Force Report No. 75. www.cfr.org/ArcticImperatives. (Lubchenco served on the Task Force that produced the report); 2017 Lubchenco, J. Scientists are making a quantum leap into relevance. Terra. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. May issue, p 5; 2017 Roberts, C.M., B.C. O’Leary, D. McCauley, P. Curry, C.M. Duarte, J. Lubchenco, D. Pauly, A. Saenz-Arroyo, R. Sumaila, R. W. Wilson, B. Worm, J.C. Castilla. Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 114(24):6167-6175. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1701262114; 2017 Palumbi, S.R., J.A. Estes, P. Kareiva, S. A. Levin, J. Lubchenco, M. E. Power. Robert Treat Paine III (1933-2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 114(27): 6881-6882; 2017 Bollen, J., S. Carpenter, K. Coronges, J. Lubchenco, M. Scheffer, and A. Vespignani. Rethinking Resource Allocation in Science. in prep.; 2017 Lubchenco, J. Delivering on science’s social contract. Michigan Journal of Sustainability: 5(1):95-108 http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjs.12333712.0005.106; 2017 Grorud-Colvert, K., and J. Lubchenco. Momentum grows for ocean preserves. How well do they work? The Conversation. Jan 3. http://bit.ly/2ldUMAE; 2017 Lubchenco, Jane. Environmental science in a post-truth world. Invited editorial in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15(1):3. DOI: 10.1002/fee.1454 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fee.1454/full “Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Classic Paper = Most Talked About Article in 2017”; 2017 Mease, L.A., T. Gibbs-Plessl, A. Erickson, K.A. Ludwig, C.M. Reddy, J. Lubchenco. Designing a Solution to Enable Agency-Academic Scientific Collaboration for Disasters. Ecology and Society 22(2):18. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09246-220218; 2017 Sullivan, J.M., E. B. Cerny-Chipman, A.R. Rosenberg, J. Lubchenco. Bridging the Science-Policy Interface: Adaptive Solutions in the Anthropocene. Pp 3-22 In: P.S. Levin and M.R. Poe (eds) Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean: Interdisciplinary science in support of nature and people. 300 pp. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-805375-1.00001-5 Elsevier/Academic Press: London, UK; 2017 Menge, B.A., M. Bracken, J. Lubchenco and H. Leslie. Alternative state? Experimentally induced Fucus canopy persists 38 yr in an Ascophyllum-dominated community. Ecosphere DOI 10.1002/ecs2.1725; 2017 Giakoumi, S., C. Scianna, J. Plass-Johnson, F. Micheli, K. Grorud-Colvert, P. Tiriet, J. Claudet, G. Di Carlo, A. DiFranco, S. D. Gaines, J. A., Garcia-Charton, J. Lubchenco, J. Reimer, E. Sala, P. Guidetti. Marine Protected Areas in the crowded Mediterranean Sea: assessing ecological effects of full and partial protection. Scientific Reports. Doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08850-w; 2017 Mumby, P., J. Sanchirico, K. Broad, M. Beck, P. Tyedmers, M. Morikawa, T. Oakey, L. Crowder, E. Fulton, D. Kelso, J. Kleypas, S. Munch, P. Glynn, K. Matthews, J. Lubchenco. Avoiding a crisis of motivation for ocean management under global environmental change. Global Change Biology: DOI 10.1111/gcb.13698; 2017 Council on Foreign Relations Arctic Task Force. Arctic Imperatives: Reinforcing U.S. Strategy on America’s Fourth Coast. Independent Task Force Report No. 75. www.cfr.org/ArcticImperatives. (Lubchenco served on the Task Force that produced the report); 2017 Lubchenco, J. Scientists are making a quantum leap into relevance. Terra. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. May issue, p 5; 2017 Roberts, C.M., B.C. O’Leary, D. McCauley, P. Curry, C.M. Duarte, J. Lubchenco, D. Pauly, A. Saenz-Arroyo, R. Sumaila, R. W. Wilson, B. Worm, J.C. Castilla. Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(24):6167-6175. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1701262114; 2017 Palumbi, S.R., J.A. Estes, P. Kareiva, S. A. Levin, J. Lubchenco, M. E. Power. Robert Treat Paine III (1933-2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(27): 6881-6882; 2017 Lubchenco, J. Delivering on science’s social contract. Michigan Journal of Sustainability 5(1):95-108 http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjs.12333712.0005.106; 2017 Lubchenco, J. Ralph J. Cicerone’s Far-reaching Impacts on Science, p 15-16 In Honoring the Life of Ralph J. Cicerone, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.; 2018 Sala, E., J. Lubchenco, K. Grorud-Colvert, C. Novelli, C. Roberts, U.R. Sumaila. Assessing real progress toward effective ocean protection. Marine Policy: 91:11-13 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.02.004; 2018 Power, M.E., J.A Estes, P. Kareiva, S. Levin, J. Lubchenco, and S. Palumbi. Biographical Memoir of Robert T. Paine 1933-2016. www.nasonline.org/publications/biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/paine-ro...; 2018 Lubchenco, J., H. Mooney and P. Vitousek. Comments on Vitousek et al. 1997. In Curtin, C.G. and T.H.F. Allen. Complex Ecology: Foundational Perspectives on Dynamic Approaches to Ecology and Conservation. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK); 2019 Polasky, S., C. King., S. Levin, S. Carpenter, G. Daily, P. Dasgupta, P. Ehrlich, G. Heal, and J. Lubchenco. Introduction to the Special Issue on Economics, Environment, and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 116:12 5233–5238; https://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1901616116