
Food and Humanitarian Crises: Science and Policies for Prevention and Mitigation

Proceedings of the Working Group 
9-10 May 2023
Joachim von Braun, Bettina Iseli, Maximo Torero, Peter Turkson (eds.)
Scripta Varia 154, LEV, Vatican City, 2024
pp. [forthcoming] | ISBN: [forthcoming]


Opening Session

Session 1: The scale, consequences, and causes of Food and Humanitarian Crises

Statement to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Cindy McCain, The UN World Food Programme Executive Director

Global food crisis and implications for actions in the context of war and pandemic shocks

Lukas Kornher and Joachim von Braun, Center for Development Research, Bonn University

Expanding access to treatment for malnourished children

Jeannie Annan, Chief Research and Innovation Officer, International Rescue Committee

Session 2: Theory, Ethics, Approaches and Data for actions to predict, prevent and mitigate food crises

Governance Must Change to End Hunger

Catherine Bertini, Managing Director, Food Initiative, The Rockefeller Foundation, former Executive Director WFP

Data Innovations for Identification of Agri-food Crises

Carlo Cafiero, UN FAO Statistics Division

Session 3: Research and practical insights from actions addressing food and humanitarian crises - location and people specific, with an attempt to identify generalizable actions and further research needs

The role of women’s empowerment in food crises prevention and mitigation under climate stress

Claudia Ringler, Deputy Division Director, Environment and Production Technology Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Nutrition-sensitive food systems approaches to address food and humanitarian crises

Shakuntala H. Thilsted, CGIAR Director, Nutrition, Health and Food Security Impact Area Platform

Food and Humanitarian Crises: Insights and Lessons from the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia

Steven Were Omamo, CEO, New Growth International (NGI), Kenya

The food crisis fueled by climate change, is set to worsen humanitarian crisis in the Sahel

Cheikh Mbow, Director General, Centre de Suivi Écologique (CSE), Dakar, Sénégal

Targeted interventions and civilian risk preference in food insecure areas of the Lake Chad Basin

Oyewole Simon Oginni, Researcher, Armed Conflicts in Sahel, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

The challenge of responding to multiple and compounding food shocks The case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

John M. Ulimwengu, Senior Research Fellow of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Session 4: Research and practical insights from actions addressing food and humanitarian crises - location and people specific, with an attempt to identify generalizable actions and further research needs

Lessons learned on food security in the Yemen crisis

Sikandra Kurdi, Research Fellow of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

The State of Food and Humanitarian Crises: Insights from Afghanistan

Fazlullah Akhtar, Senior researcher at Centre for Development Research (ZEF) Bonn University

Impact of humanitarian assistance on the food security of people affected by conflict, drought, and earthquake in Northwest Syria

Omar Atik, Program Head, Shafak Organization, Co-Coordinator Technical Working Group and Strategic Advisory Group member of Food Security and Livelihood cluster in Turkey

Impact of prolonged conflict besides other shocks on food security situation in Syria

Anas Al Kaddour, Food Security Manager at Global Communities International (NGO) in Turkey

Haiti: Managing the Food Crisis, Activities and Lessons Learned

Alrich Nicolas, former Foreign Minister of Haiti and Professor of Sociology and Economics

Ukraine – Addressing the domestic humanitarian crisis and the effects of the war on global food systems

Oleg Nivievskyi, Professor, Faculty of Graduate Economics Studies at Kyiv School of Economics, and Center for Food and Land Use Research

Session 5: Innovations for Solutions in food crises

Innovative actions in humanitarian and food crises at scale

Valerie N. Guarnieri, Deputy Executive Director for Programme and Policy Development, World Food Programme, Rome

Indigenous Peoples and the making of resilient life: hybridizing the culture of maize to achieve food sovereignty

Tania Martínez-Cruz, associate researcher at Free University of Brussel and member of the Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples‘ Food Systems