Other disciplines
Anselmo M. Albareda
Date of birth 16 February 1892
Place Barcelona, Spain (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Academician 'Perdurante Munere' 28 Oct. 1936 - 19 Mar. 1962; Honorary Academician 5 Oct. 1962)
Place and date of death Barcelona, Spain † 20 July 1966
Gary Stanley Becker
Date of birth 02 December 1930
Place Pottsville, PA, (America)
Nomination 03 March 1997
Field Economics
Place and date of death Chicago, IL, USA † 03 May 2014
Gaetano Bisleti
Date of birth 21 March 1856
Place Veroli, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Grottaferrata, Italy † 30 August 1937
Marcello Boldrini
Date of birth 09 February 1890
Place Matelica, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Statistics
Place and date of death Milan, Italy † 05 March 1969
Leonard E. Boyle, OP
Date of birth 13 November 1923
Place Donegal, Ireland (Europe)
Nomination 24 May 1984 (Academician 'Perdurante Munere')
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 25 October 1999
Antonio Cardoso Fontes
Date of birth 06 October 1879
Place Petrópolis, Brazil (America)
Nomination 01 September 1941
Place and date of death Rio de Janeiro, Brazil † 28 March 1943
Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere
Date of birth 10 July 1866
Place Ariccia, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 14 November 1951
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani
Date of birth 24 February 1883
Place Brisighella, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 24 October 1961 (Honorary Academician)
Place and date of death Vatican City † 17 December 1973
Bernardo Maria Colombo
Date of birth 24 February 1919
Place Olginate (Lecco), Italy (Europe)
Nomination 18 September 1992
Field Demography
Place and date of death Padua, Italy † 26 April 2012
Giuseppe Colombo
Date of birth 02 October 1920
Place Padua, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Mechanics
Place and date of death Padua, Italy † 21 February 1984
Gustavo Colonnetti
Date of birth 11 August 1886
Place Turin, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Construction Science and Analytical and Graphical Mechanics
Place and date of death Turin, Italy † 20 March 1968
Gaetano Arturo Crocco
Date of birth 26 October 1877
Place Naples, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Aeronautics
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 19 January 1968