Final Statement of the Amazon Governors' Summit

28 October

Final Statement of the Pan-Amazon Governors

First Pan-Amazon Summit of Governors

Final Statement of the Pan-Amazon Governors
Photo: Gabriella C. Marino

We, the Governors of subnational States that make up Pan Amazônia, gathered at the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, on October 28, 2019, with the objective of expanding the dialogue with the international community, in the context of the climate crisis and the enormous challenge that the current scenario represents for Amazonian societies and governments, transmit this Declaration to our peoples and the world community to serve the Pope's mission, present our commitment and invite all organizations, institutions and people to build, together, effective solutions for the sustainable development of the Amazon.

1. We highlight the fundamental importance of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region, an event led by His Holiness Pope Francis, which expressively expands the call for the defense of the Amazon and for a model of sustainable development focused on social justice, solidarity, respect for nature and for original and traditional populations, especially indigenous peoples. We defend the guidelines contained in the Synod's final document.

2. We express our commitment to sustainable development in the Amazon, based on a green economy, zero illegal deforestation, defense of the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional populations, including riverside dwellers, caboclos, extractivists and quilombolas; and in the concept of integral ecology.

3. We work to build a new sustainable development model based on the appreciation of environmental heritage, socioeconomic inclusion and respect for the culture of the peoples of the Amazon, so that the region is able to meet the needs of its populations and, at the same time, fulfill its function of major provider of environmental goods, products and services, generating benefits for all humanity.

4. We recognize that the Amazon is under threat. Reversing this situation requires well-articulated cooperation, as well as the empowerment of subnational Pan-Amazon governments and the

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We, the Governors of subnational States that make up Pan Amazônia, gathered at the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, on October 28, 2019, with the objective of expanding the dialogue with the international community, in the context of the climate crisis and the enormous challenge that the current scenario represents for Amazonian societies and governments, transmit this Declaration to our peoples and the world community to serve the Pope's mission, present our commitment and invite all organizations, institutions and people to build, together, effective solutions for the sustainable development of the Amazon.

1. We highlight the fundamental importance of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region, an event led by His Holiness Pope Francis, which expressively expands the call for the defense of the Amazon and for a model of sustainable development focused on social justice, solidarity, respect for nature and for original and traditional populations, especially indigenous peoples. We defend the guidelines contained in the Synod's final document.

2. We express our commitment to sustainable development in the Amazon, based on a green economy, zero illegal deforestation, defense of the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional populations, including riverside dwellers, caboclos, extractivists and quilombolas; and in the concept of integral ecology.

3. We work to build a new sustainable development model based on the appreciation of environmental heritage, socioeconomic inclusion and respect for the culture of the peoples of the Amazon, so that the region is able to meet the needs of its populations and, at the same time, fulfill its function of major provider of environmental goods, products and services, generating benefits for all humanity.

4. We recognize that the Amazon is under threat. Reversing this situation requires well-articulated cooperation, as well as the empowerment of subnational Pan-Amazon governments and the organizations and initiatives in which they participate.

5. We call on the international community to improve support for concrete financing actions, in favor of a development model that is capable of guaranteeing income, opportunities, jobs and prosperity while contributing to the conservation of the planet's biodiversity and climate equilibrium. Rich countries must expand their financing commitments in order to recognize the value of the Amazon's environmental services, which benefit all of humanity, and which are maintained by the Amazonians. It is essential to remember what is written in the Encyclical Laudato Si’: “it is true that there are common but differentiated responsibilities”.

6. We are convinced that it is necessary to expand international cooperation on behalf of all who truly want to change the current model of production and consumption that has led us to the global climate crisis. International cooperation must be based on recognition and respect for the sovereignty of Amazonian countries. We defend the sovereignty of Amazonian countries, while we note that this should not serve to shield the governments from fulfilling their obligations to protect human rights and preserve nature.

7. We defend the expansion of the goals of the Paris Agreement and the effective allocation, already in 2020, of significant resources for subnational initiatives, based on partnerships with multilateral organizations, civil society and the private sector, as well as federative cooperation that, in the Brazil, is consolidated with the creation of the Interstate Sustainable Development Consortium of the Legal Amazon and, in Peru, with the Mancomunidad Interregional Amazônica – CIAM.

8. We demand an urgent consensus for the regulation of art. 6 of the Paris Agreement, in order to financially evaluate emission reductions, and sequestration and maintenance of carbon stocks in the forests of the Amazon.

9. We consider it strategically important to allocate part of the international resources for the consolidation of territorial and environmental governance in the Amazon and the strengthening of the Amazon bioeconomy, with total orientation towards zero illegal deforestation, through the strengthening of biodiversity production chains, with technological innovation and valuing traditional knowledge.

10. We recognize the fundamental role of science in promoting sustainable development in the Amazon: therefore, the advancement of knowledge is essential, both for improving people's lives in harmony with the forest, and for monitoring the fight against deforestation and illegal activities. As a concrete measure, we support the constitution of a Scientific Panel on the future of the Amazon backed by the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

11. We call on companies to monitor their supply chains in order to ensure socially and environmentally sustainable production, preventing modern slavery and the globalization of indifference. There is also an urgent need for a commitment from the private sector in the permanent search for solutions that minimize the impacts arising from the waste generated by its production processes, as well as public-private cooperation for the development of low emissions.

12. The climate and humanitarian crisis the world is experiencing requires fast, integrated and urgent action, with a short-, medium- and long-term agenda.

13. From this meeting onwards, the Summit of the Governors of Panamazonia is established as a permanent forum for discussion.

14. The Governors present at the Vatican on October 28, 2019 sign this declaration.

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Signed by


Gobernador do Estado do Amapá

Gobernador do Estado do Amazonas

Gobernador do Estado do Pará

Gobernador do Estado do Maranhão

Gobernador do Estado do Piauí y Representante del Consorcio del Noreste

Gobernador de Huánuco

Gobernador de Ucayali

Gobernodor de San Martín


Canciller de la Pontificia Academia de Ciencias

Fundação Amazonas Sustentável – FAS / SDSN-Amazônia

Asamblea Legislativa de ALEPA

ALEAM Asamblea Legislativa

FUNBIO – Brasil

GCF – Task Force

Conservação Internacional Brasil

IPAM - Brasil

Centro Brasil no Clima


Mecanismos de Desarrollo Alternos

This Declaration is endorsed by all those who defend these purposes, both those present on this day at the Vatican and those who wish to join this cause.