This Summit is an initiative led by the Interstate Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Legal Amazon, the Amazon Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN-A) and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) of the Vatican. The event will take place at the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 28, 2019, from 9 am to 7 pm.
The expected audience consists in the governors of the Amazonian countries, whose participation will allow a broad perspective of the different realities that make up the region. Therefore, the event will have the participation of observers, including researchers, representatives of civil society and the region’s legislative and judiciary.
The theme of the event, Paths and Commitments to Sustainable Development in the Amazon, has as its conceptual framework the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, in particular, the message of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ and the results of the Synod on Amazon. Knowing the working document of the Synod, we are convinced that Pope Francis’ word will be of great importance for the future of our region.
Our idea is to give governors an opportunity to present to the Pope and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican their commitments to the sustainable development of the Amazon. At the same time, we intend to discuss with the international community innovative solutions and financing mechanisms to meet our demands for achieving the SDG by 2030.