Anatole Abragam
Date of birth 15 December 1914
Place Grīva (Daugavpils), Latvia (Europe)
Nomination 12 May 1981 (Resigned)
Field Physics, Nuclear Magnetism
Place and date of death Paris, France † 08 June 2011
Sir Edward Victor Appleton
Date of birth 06 September 1892
Place Bradford, (Europe)
Nomination 29 May 1948
Field Physics, Radiophysics
Place and date of death Edinburgh, Scotland † 21 April 1965
Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato
Date of birth 28 September 1958
Place Sao Carlos, Brazil (America)
Nomination 27 September 2012
Field Physics and Material Science Engineering
Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes
Date of birth 14 March 1862
Place Christiania, Norway (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Field Physics, Meteorology
Place and date of death Oslo, Norway † 07 April 1951
André Blanc-Lapierre
Date of birth 07 July 1915
Place Lavaur, France (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Physics
Aage Niels Bohr
Date of birth 19 June 1922
Place Copenhagen, (Europe)
Nomination 17 April 1978
Field Physics
Place and date of death Copenhagen, Denmark † 09 September 2009
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Date of birth 07 October 1885
Place Copenhagen, (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1939
Field Physics
Place and date of death Copenhagen, Sweden † 18 November 1962
Edouard Branly
Date of birth 23 October 1844
Place Amiens, France (Europe)
Nomination 28 October 1936
Place and date of death Paris, France † 24 March 1940
Nicola Cabibbo
Date of birth 10 April 1935
Place Rome, Italy (Europe)
Nomination 09 June 1986 (President of the PAS from 1993 to 2010)
Field Physics
Place and date of death Rome, Italy † 16 August 2010
Sir James Chadwick
Date of birth 20 October 1891
Place Bollington, United Kingdom (Europe)
Nomination 03 May 1961
Field Physics
Place and date of death Cambridge, UK † 24 July 1974
Steven Chu
Date of birth 28 February 1948
Place St Louis, Missouri, United States of America (America)
Nomination 30 January 2018
Field Physics
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Date of birth 01 April 1933
Place Constantine, Algeria (Africa)
Nomination 17 May 1999
Field Atomic and Molecular Physics