Honorable Judges and Prosecutors, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Birtukan Ayele Baza and I am from the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, from Addis Ababa. I am working as a Federal High Court Judge on the special bench which entertains human trafficking and organized crimes.
The opportunity I have to take part in this summit is very great and I am very happy to be here. So please allow me to give my appreciation to the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences on behalf of myself and the women judges of my country.
When I come back to our summit topic, human trafficking in Ethiopia is causing a number of serious problems and it victimizes women, children and young men. The causes of human trafficking are related to poverty, unemployment, lack of awareness, hope of securing a better life in the prospective destination country and so on. Based on these different problems, women, children and young men are being trafficked from one place to another and become victims of forced labor, prostitution, organ harvesting and even loss of life.
Due to these reasons the Ethiopian government has been taking necessary measures by enacting different laws such FDRE Constitution, criminal law and specific proclamation on the issue at hand pro. No. 909/2015. The government has also taken measures on policy matters and developed mechanisms on the enforcement of such laws and policy.
Nowadays in my country, Ethiopia, it is not also possible to obtain a satisfactory solution by taking the above measures. The problem needs additional tangible reactions to reach the best solutions. Summits like this are very much supportive for the issue at hand.
Because of this I want to thank heartily the Summit organizers, the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, and again I want to express my deep pleasure for the opportunity given.