
Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Development

Proceeding of Study Day 10 February 2010
Scripta Varia 115 | Vatican City, 2010
pp. 254 | ISBN 978-88-7761-100-0


Session I - Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

The Nuclear Powers and Disarmament Prospects and Possibilities

William F. Burns

The United Nations and the Future of Nuclear Disarmament

Sergio de Queiroz Duarte

Views on Non-Proliferation and Verification

Olli J. Heinonen

Session II - Economics and Development

Disarmament and Economic Development in the Light of the Current Crisis

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi

Nuclear Weapons, International Prestige and Economic Development: What Cost for the Emerging Countries?

Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista

Session III - The Environment, Energy, Climate

Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World

Francesco Calogero

New Energies for the Future of Mankind

Carlo Rubbia

Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

Mario J. Molina

Session IV - Sociology, Ethics and Politics

Theological Reflections on War and Peace

Card. Georges Cottier

Interests, Values, and Recognition as Different Dimensions in the Efforts on Nuclear Disarmament and Non Proliferation

Vittorio Hösle

Towards a Nuclear-Free World: More than a Noble Utopia

Mariano Grondona