The biological problem of cancer

6-13 June

The Biological Problem of Cancer

The Biological Problem of Cancer
Photo: J. Maisin

“… The Study Week was organized by Academician Prof. Pietro Rondoni, Professor of Experimental Pathology at the University of Milan and Director of the Cancer Institute of Milan [Vittorio Emanuele III Institute for the study and treatment of cancer].

Given that the number of participants had to be rather small, we had to limit ourselves to inviting eminent representatives of a few fields of experimental oncology, whose research can be grouped in order to give an almost complete picture of some very pressing issues.

The crucial problem today seems to be the cancerization mechanism of the cell: what happens in the cell that turns it malignant? The study of carcinogenic hydrocarbons provides a very important paradigm that allows us to examine the complexity of cellular tools.

Therefore, we invited biochemists and researchers to shed some light on these questions, without overlooking the different etiological agents, such as viruses and changes in the organism that accompany tumour growth. ..."

Fr. Agostino Gemelli, O.F.M.

List of Participants

Prof. I. Berenblum (School of Pathology University, Oxford)
Prof. E. Boyland (Chester Beatty Research Laboratory, Cancer Hospital, London)
Prof. E.V. Cowdry (Division of Cancer Research, School of Medicine, Saint Louis, USA)
Prof. H. v. Euler, Nobel Prize (Institutet för organ.-kemisk Forskning, Stockholm)
H.E. Sir Alexander Fleming (London)
Prof. J.P. Greenstein (Department for Biochemistry, National Institute, Bethesda, USA)
Dr. J. Kretz (Primarius, Wien)
Prof. A. Lacassagne (Laboratoire Pasteur de l’Institut du Radium, Paris)
Prof. J. Maisin (Institut du Cancer Louvain)
Prof. Ph. Peacock (Cancer Hospital, Research Department, Glasgow)
Prof. F. Pentimalli (Istituto di Patologia gen em le dell’Universita, Napoli)
H.E. Prof. P. Rondoni, Pontifical Academician (Istituto di Patologia generale dell’Università e Direttore Istituto del Cancro, Milano)
H.E. Prof. L. Ruzicka, Pontifical Academician, Nobel Prize (Institut f. organische Chemie an der Eidgenössischen technischen Hochschule, Zurich)
Prof. J. Sanz Ibañez (Instituto Nacional del Cancer, Madrid)
Prof. H. R. Schinz (Röntgeninstitut und Radiumtherapeutische Klinik - Kantonsspital, Zürich).