Scripta Varia

The Arkbuilding Generation

I appreciate this opportunity to speak on the most pressing issue of our day, climate change, here in Vatican City ahead of the 2018 Synod of Bishops On Young People, the Faith, ... Read all

Universal Health Coverage

Peace “We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace, and no peace ... Read all

La trata de personas no será erradicada hasta que no creemos comunidades y grupos más solidarios y orientados a las personas

Buenas tardes a todas y a todos. Antes de empezar, me gustaría darle las gracias a la organización de este simposio por trabajar incansablemente año tras año para dar voz a tantos ... Read all

UNLEASH Innovation Lab

We, people of today on the way to 2030 Close your eyes and imagine your life in 2030. You wake up in the morning, how do you feel? You open the window, what do you see? You check ... Read all

Worldwide Disaster Relief

Hello everyone. I wanted to start off by saying what an honor it is to be invited by all the hosts as an attendee of the Symposium this year. My name is Lori Chen and I am an ... Read all

Mario and Zunduri: Human capacity and processes

What does it mean to leave no one behind when we talk about freedom? Is it only about being free from the yoke of labour or sexual exploitation? Or is it about something more? ... Read all

Casa Vincular

Bom dia a todos e a todas. Antes de tudo, gostaria de expressar a minha alegria em poder participar novamente deste simpósio tão importante quanto necessário. Reunir jovens do ... Read all

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