
Moving forward on reducing food loss and waste

Introduction: Three guiding posts to inform policy actions International attention on the issue of food loss and waste is firmly reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable ... Read all

Climate Crisis and Hope

How did we become trapped in the present crisis? What mindset brought us there and what are the main goals in order to restore a lost respect for nature. What is our hope? Like the ... Read all

Plants and Nature in Bible and Quran – How Respect for Nature Connects Us

Introduction Plants and nature play an important role in the Holy Scriptures of both Christians and Muslims – associated in both religions with the task of preserving Creation and ... Read all

From a Sea-Snail to the Heavenly Throne: Wild Fauna in Jewish Law and Spirituality

Introduction In the first part of this chapter, we reconstruct the rabbinic ethos on the relationship between humanity and the natural world. The Bible beholds the creation as good ... Read all

Community Authority and the Signals of Science: Next Steps in Furthering the Impact of Biodiversity Conservation Science

Introduction In a recent editorial in the journal Science Advances (1), Dr. Thomas Lovejoy called attention to the recent report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on ... Read all

Conserving the Diversity of Life: A Moral Duty and Imperative for Equitable Development

Introduction We are living in an age of unprecedented planetary change. There is no doubt that we are destroying our planet faster than ever, with catastrophic consequences for all ... Read all

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