1. Origins of Mind
Hominid Evolution and the Emergence of the Genus Homo
Yves Coppens
Human Origins from a Genomic Perspective
Svante Pääbo
Mind and Soul? Two Notions in the Light of Contemporary Philosophy
Enrico Berti
2. The Dynamic Brain and Consciousness
The Neuronal Correlate of Consciousness: Unity in Time Rather than Space
Wolf J. Singer
Brain Rhythms for Cognition and Consciousness
Earl K. Miller
The Brain Mechanisms of Conscious Access and Introspection
Stanislas Dehaene
Consciousness and Self-Consciousness In Favour of a Pragmatic Dualism in the Philosophy of Mind
Jürgen Mittelstraß
Neuroscience of Self-Consciousness and Subjectivity
Olaf Blanke
3. Towards a neuroscientific understanding of free will
Neural Mechanisms Underlying Human Choice in the Frontal Cortex
Timothy E. Behrens
False Perceptions & False Beliefs: Understanding Schizophrenia
Christopher D. Frith
Addiction: A Disease of Self-Control
Nora D. Volkow
Understanding Layers: From Neuroscience to Human Responsibility
Michael S. Gazzaniga
Self-Knowledge and the Adaptive Unconscious
Timothy D. Wilson
Seven Ways Neuroscience Aids Law
Owen D. Jones
Interaction Between Two Readings: The Naturalistic and the Socratic “Know Thyself”
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
4. Sources of human comprehension and incomprehension
Are There Innate Mechanisms that Make us Social Beings?
Uta Frith
Natural Cooperation
Martin A. Nowak
Spiritualité de l’âme
Card. Georges Cottier
Developmental Sources of Social Divisions
Elizabeth S. Spelke
5. Can neuroscience improve the brain and mind?
The Birth of the Mind
Jacques Mehler
How Genes and Experience Shape the Human Will
Michael I. Posner
New Interfaces for the Brain
John P. Donoghue
Circuits for Action Diversification
Silvia Arber
Homo Docens and the Teaching Brain
Antonio M. Battro