The Plenary Session of the Academy has been dedicated to arguments of great importance, namely, the Human Genome, the Alternative Energies for Developing Countries, the Fundamental Principles of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.
These are arguments of great relevance for the well-being of humanity and, at the same time, are the object of intense scientific investigation.
The proceedings of the Session have been helped by the generous participation of experts from many countries who took part in the meeting.
One of these themes, the project to investigate the structure of the Human Genome, has raised many questions, particularly among scientists, who realize how their own researches may become, on the one hand, of great utility to the improvement of the conditions of life and of men’s health, but on the other hand, they may lead to serious and complex problems due to the implications (that) the new scientific discoveries have with ethical, social and juridical arguments.
Human Genome, Alternative Energy Sources for Developing Countries, Fundamental Principles of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
Human Genome, Alternative Energy Sources for Developing Countries, Fundamental Principles of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
List of Participants
Christian B. Anfinsen
Werner Arber
André Blanc-Lapierre
Nicola Cabibbo
Luis A. Caffarelli
Luigi L. Cavalli-Sforza
Bernardo M. Colombo
Georges M.M. Cottier
George V. Coyne
Alistair C. Crombie
Nicola Dallaporta
Ennio De Giorgi
Johanna Döbereiner
Paul Germain
Michael Heller
Stanley L. Jaki
Vladimir I. Keilis-Borok
Rita Levi-Montalcini
André Lichnerowicz
Felix Wa Kalenga Malu
Marcos Moshinsky
Rudolf Muradian
Minoru Oda
Crodowaldo Pavan
Cyril A. Ponnamperuma
Bernard Pullman
Puppi Giampietro
Chintamani N.R. Rao
Martin J. Rees
Stanley K. Runcorn
Michael Sela
Maxine F. Singer
Richard Southwood
Andrzej Szczeklik
Charles H. Townes
Hans Tuppy
Robert J. White
Dr. Antonio M. Battro
Rev. P. Herve Carrier, SJ
Prof. Ugo Farinelli
H.e. Msgr. William B. Friend
Prof. Santiago Grisolia
Prof. Balazs Gulyas
Prof. Claude Helene
Rev. P. Jean-Michel Maldamé, OP
Dr. Rafael De Mendizabal
Prof. Claes Ramel
Prof. Carlos M. Romeo-Casabona
Prof. Shimon Ullman
Prof. Jean Weissenbach
H.E. Msgr. Jozef Zycinski