On Saturday, 10 November 1979, in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace, His Holiness John Paul II presided over the Commemoration of Albert Einstein promoted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the centenary of the great scientist's birth. The solemn ceremony was held in the presence of Cardinals, members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, scientists of various nationalities and about fifty Pontifical Academicians. Also present were the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga and the Director of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza.
The academic session opened with a speech by President Carlos Chagas, followed by speeches by Academicians Paul Dirac and Victor Weisskopf. Afterwards, the Holy Father gave an address of historic importance which received great approval from the entire international scientific community.
Finally, the Holy Father presented the Pius XI Gold Medal to the young Brazilian scientist Antonio Paes de Carvalho.